Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fate Rolling its Dice - Who? What? When? Where? Why?

I've covered the 'Who' in an earlier post; the 'What' is what this blog is all about; 'When' is 10 days from now; the 'Where' is mentioned in my profile; and now The "Why" -the best question of all; WHY and WHY now?!

I'll start with the "Why Now" seedling:

About a year a ago a friend of mine told me about a body cleansing fast he was contemplating doing in order to counter a stomach health issue he got while traveling through India. Having never done a fast before and interested in what he told me I decided to join him. We set an arbitrary date - November 4th and our experience was sealed.

As November 4th approached and as smokers we decided realized that doing a body cleansing fast while smoking and drinking "seemed" counter-active. We decided to give up smoking for the 9 days while we rid our bodies of toxins.

Fast forward to today: I'm proud to say that November 3, 2007 was the last time we had a cigarette a drag, puff, whatever. =)

My experience with this body cleansing was such an amazing one that that I decided that I would do the one every 6 months as a sort of physical/mental/psychi reset. - hence November 4, 2008...

and that 'quickly' wraps up my "Why Now Story"

Shifting gears ---- I'm a geek and I subscribe to a ridiculous amount of blogs; one of which is/was (I'll post his link when I find it) about some dude who decided to give up drinking for 100 days. I read about his motivations, his challenges, his downfalls, his uplifts and ended up thinking.... GOOD FOR HIM! I decided to tuck his idea in my GTD's "Someday/Maybe Folder".

Well.. my Someday/Maybe folder slapped my face a couple of months ago when I realized that I was 'ready' to for my "100 Days of Alcohol-less Challenge". I picked the date of my one year fasting anniversary (I wouldn't be drinking anyways) and committed myself to it. When I realized that this arbitrary date aligned with the U.S. presidential election; it was sealed- like Obam -

(no one is reading this blog right now so that will) be the only time I bring politics into this.

To ALL of us good luck!


Andrew said...

Even 4 days before the 100-day alcohol-less period, on Halloween, Kenn was sober and clear. I guess setting the intention has had an early effect? Kenn, I'm proud of you already and you haven't even started :)

Andrew said...

Rumor has it that Kenn is finding the 100-day challenge...err...less than challenging! Hence his absence on his own blog.

I may have to start my own blog, and blog about how lame Kenn's blog is. But I'm only lashing out because I really like him.